30. September 2018

I am now already in Barcelona. Last week on Monday and Wednesday, I had strong head winds. All the fucking time.

And I had Problems with my stomach beginning on Wednesday too but this ended two days later.

Luckily i met a pretty Girl from Germany, who was also cycling a long tour, so that we could drive from Amelie les Bains to the col d Ares and Camprodon. But unfortunately, we had to go different directions as she headed towards the Pyreneas and me to Barcelona. Quel Dommage, I had really enjoiyed her company.

Now Imaging, a nice trekking road. It is all gravel, rocks and Sand, broad enough for a small 4x4. It leads through forrested hills, sometimes 15%steep up, over Rock bottom. There are not many other paths and no asphalt at all, just some small creeks. Perfect for a day trip with a rucksack.

Now imaging a psychopath, putting an official "cycle Road"-sign on this path. Yes, I would torture him for the rest of his life too.

I had never in my life been so desperate triing to find back to the asphalt. I had my gps, yes. But i didn't make much meters. It didn't seem to end. And it reall didn't. I was shouting, swearing, pushing myself just another Meter in hope to find at last the way out. But I didn't. So as it was already dark, I set up my Tent, ate the last bits of food I had left, some Bread and dates. and went sleeping. I hadn't even taken any Photos or so, I was just to lost.

The next morning, the road went finally all downhill and I was really happy, beeing back in civilisation. I had made it just 1.5 km before the better road started.

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At noon I was so hungry, that I ate two doners and a portion of fries. But its never a good idea to cycle with a full stomach, so the rest of the 90 Kilometers to Barcelona were quite tough for me. I was really exhausted, when I finally found the Hostel Sant Jordi sagrada Familia and drove almost directly into the Reception. But the stuff was really nice and the guy at the desk was really interested in my journey and made sure, that I could store my baggage seperately and in a safe place. I don't know if they realised, but just this little help and friendlyness meant a lot to me and I was happy again. Especially after a long shower and the tasty Paella, which they cooked for their guests.

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