12. October 2018
This week was quite tough. I made over 600 km since Barcelona and have
already done more than 2700km. The first bit along the coast, right next
to the beach was nice, but then after Tarragona, the terrain became
drier and drier, and in the end, there were landscapes on which nothing
else than olivetrees, almondtrees and some bushes seemed to grow. It
takes a lot of mental strenght,

There is nor real greenery to rest your
eyes on, there is no cover from the heat and it is continually going
uphill. Not much much, but enough to let you doubt your own pace and
then ending up on 1300M altitude. Untill now, I've had always about 25
to 35 Degrees but now, the temperatur dropped to twelve degrees in the
afternoon. Luckily, I am well equipped, for cold and heat, but is is for
sure no pleasure to get up in the morning and do some downhill, while
your fingers are freezing.

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Spain is a tough country to cycle, even in fall; Heat and cold,
steadiliy uphill going roads, long and boring, dry land where nothing
grows anymore after harvest.And there is no water on the countryside,
only in the cities. It's hard to find a little shadow along the streets
and the siesta doesn't cover at all with my cycling schedule. They
reopen their stores, just when I want to search for a place to put my
