As my knee still hurts and I still have a lot to do at home, I decide to take the train home.

 As it's still dark, I say goodbye to my sister and leave for the train station in Lucca.

Italian stations are everything else than bike-friendly. There are no ramps, the elevators are too small and even the trains are hard to mount with a bike.

I had to carry the bike with all baggage up and down the stairs and sometimes the track changed so I had to do it again. Good look, that I can turn my yellow bag into a rucksack. But it is still annoying.

I was really glad when I finally arrived in Zurich, where eveything is bike-friendly and could drive home.



-I can definitely do Africa

-I have to train my knee better

-I can safe weight with the cables but wil need more batteries

-Books are just useless weight (except where there is no doctor and the FWF)

-The dynamo can only charge the cellphone

-it pays in the end to invest enough money in the equipment

-Everything is more expensive than you think

-the bicycle is top

-Never ever trust your gps

-Italians drive as bad as their streets are

-when I calculate an average pace of 11km I am right with the time of arrival

-It is worth taking the heavy camera equipment with me