I started early in the morning, fully equipped with 45 Kilo of Baggage. I wanted to test all the equipment for sure.

It is good weather, even though it's a little cold, but while cycling, I don't even notice it. The first three hours in direction to Zurich Upperlands, went quite well, but then my muscles began to show exhaustion. Even the slightest inclination started to make problems. It took me 2 hours longer as I expected, but in the end I finally arrived at my grandmothers house. I was glad having a shower, and afterwards, my grandmother served some very good pies. It was still afternoon and two of my aunts came to visit too. We had a nice chat, and afterwards I went to bed early.


Zurich upperland

I get up early in the morning and I'am completely relaxt. The muscles don't hurt anymore and I feel ready for the day.

After breakfast, I say goodbye to my grandmother and leave. Until Rapperswil, the route goes all downhill and I have no more problems with the legs.I cross lake zurich and then I drive from Pfäffikon to Ensiedeln. Before I just saw the mountains, in the far, but now I am on a street that goes pretty uphill. It is very nice weather and the street winds through a forest sometimes interrupted by meadows. I drive all zig-zag to master the inclination, but I'm in a good mood and really enjoy it.

On top of the pass, I can see the Sihllake, which is surrounded with snow-covered mountains. I sometimes stop to take some panoramic pictures with the tripod.

It would be a shame to leave those mountains unphotographed.

Not far and I' am already in Einsiedeln. This city has an ancient inner core and is famous for its monastery, in whichs front iÎ take some selfies After eating lunch, I' am again on my way over some passes. Luckiliy some wanderers inform me, that the pass is impassable as it's still covered in snow.

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The Monastery in Einsiedeln

Before i try a forestry street over a different pass, I take some water from a small creek to test my waterfilter. It works, but ,eeewww, the water tastes like rubber. No Problem, I still have two other bottles of water left.

The forrestry road goes all uphill to thousand meters altitude, which should have told me something. I cross snowfields and sometimes i have to make tracks to be able to drive through the snow. But after an hour, another cyclist tells me that there's no more way.  All for nothing! I swear, switch off my Gps and make my way back to the mainstreet.

I'm glad to drive on asphalt again, but after half an hour I get contrary wind. I really hate this and it takes me a lot of effort to drive over the Sattelpass. The wind won't stop and it takes one and a half times longer for the distance.

I finally arrive in Schwyz and a lot of memories come up. This is because I did a part of my army service here and now I remember again the long marches, how we desperately tried to find an open bar when we had the evening off and the very boring time when you were on the watch and so on.

Nevertheless i just drive through the citiy and finally arrive in Brunnen at the Urnerlake which is actually a part of the Vierwaldstätterlake. It is still so windy, that the ships can't leave the harbour. I drive a little further until I find a Campground. The owners were already about to leave at 6pm but still open for me. I am obviously the first guest this year. I am glad to have a shower and afterwards I eat som scrambled eggs together with some bread from my grandmother.

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Storm at the Urnerlake